
1988.9—1992.7月,本科毕业于山西大学化学系有机化学专业,1992.9—1995.7月,硕士毕业于山西大学分子科学研究所生物无机化学,1995.9—1998.7月,博士毕业于南开大学化学系物理化学专业,2000.1—2002,8月,在美国University of New Hampshire在Dr. N. Dennis Chasteen实验室进行铁蛋白以及Dps蛋白作用机理博士后研究,2004.8—2005.12月,在美国University of New Hampshire Dr. N. Dennis Chasteen实验 室进行铁蛋白氧化沉淀动力学访问研究工作。2004年首批入选教育部“跨世纪优秀人才支持计划”。主讲《蛋白质化学》(研究生)、《维生素与健康》(本科生)。


  • 食品化学
  • 蛋白质化学


  • 2004年首批入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才基金”支持计划(NCET-04-0134),主持项目名称为“富硒灵芝中硒蛋白的分离、纯化及功能”研究, 项目的起止日期为2005,1 -2007,12,金额为50万,排名第一。
  • 主持国家自然科学基金,项目名称为“功能性天然‘腊八蒜’色素形成机理”的研究,基金代号为30570181,项目的起止日期为2006年1月至2008年12月,金额为27万,排名第一。
  • 主持科技部“十五”国家863项目“农畜产品中高附加值天然产物高效提取技术与产品开发”中的子课题“天然虾青素的高效提取技术”,项目编号2002AA248011,项目的起止日期为2002,1 - 2005,12,经费20.0万元,排名第一.
  • 参与美国卫生部(NIH)科研项目“动物铁蛋白铁氧化沉淀机理”研究, 基金代号为R01 GM20194 .



  1. Deng JJ, Liao XY, Yang HX, Hua ZC, Masuda T , Goto F, Yoshihara T, Zhao GH*. Role of H-1 and H-2 subunits of soybean seed ferritin in oxidative deposition of iron in protein. . J. Biol. Chem., 2010, online (Corresponding author, Impact Factor for 2009: 5.328).
  2. Fu XP, Deng JJ, Yang HX, Masuda T , Goto F, Yoshihara T, Zhao GH*. A novel EP-involved pathway for iron release from soya bean seed ferritin. Biochem. J., 2010, 58, 635-641 (Corresponding author, Impact Factor for 2009: 5.155).
  3. Li CR, Fu XP, Qi X, Hu XS, Chasteen ND, Zhao GH*. Protein association and disassociation regulated by ferric ion: A novel pathway for oxidative deposition of iron in ferritin. J. Biol. Chem., 2009, 284, 16743-16751 (Corresponding author, Impact Factor for 2009: 5.328).
  4. Li CR, Hu XS, Zhao GH*. Two different H-type subunits from pea seed (Pisum sativum) ferritin that are responsible for fast Fe(II) oxidation. Biochimie, 2009, 91, 230-239 (Corresponding author, Impact Factor for 2009: 3.897).
  5. Li CR, Qi X, Li ML, Zhao GH*, Hu XS. Phosphate facilitates Fe(II) oxidative deposition in pea seed (Pisum sativum) ferritin. Biochimie, 2009, 91, 1475-1481 (Corresponding author,Impact Factor for 2009: 3.897).
  6. Zhao GH, Su MH, Chasteen ND. mu-1,2-1-Peroxo dImpact factorerric complex formation in horse spleen ferritin. A mixed H/L-subunit heteropolymer, J. Mol. Biol., 2005, 352 (2): 467-477 (Impact Factor for 2005: 5.229).被引用次数: 2
  7. Zhao GH*, Arosio P, Chasteen ND. Iron(II) and hydrogen peroxide detoxImpact factorication by human H-chain ferritin. An EPR spin-trapping study. Biochemistry, 2006, 45 (10): 3429-3436(Corresponding author, Impact Factor for 2005: 3.848).被引用次数: 4
  8. Bou-Abdallah F, Zhao GH, Mayne HR, Arosio P, Chasteen ND. Origin of the unusual kinetics of iron deposition in human H-chain ferritin. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127 (11): 3885-3893 (Impact Factor for 2005: 7.419).被引用次数: 10
  9. Zhao GH, Bou-Abdallah F, Arosio P, Levi S, Janus-Chandler C, Chasteen ND. Multiple pathways for mineral core formation in mammalian apoferritin. The role of hydrogen peroxide. Biochemistry, 2003, 42 (10): 3142-3150 (Impact Factor for 2003: 3.922). 被引用次数: 27
  10. Lee J, Chasteen ND, Zhao GH, Papaefthymiou GC, Gorun SM, Deuterium Structural Effects in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Aggregates, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124(12), 3042-3049 (Impact factor for 2002: 6.201).
  11. Zhao GH, Ceci P, Ilari A, Giangiacomo L, Laue TM, Chiancone E, Chasteen ND. Iron and hydrogen peroxide detoxImpact factorication properties of DNA-binding protein from starved cells - A ferritin-like DNA-binding protein of Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem., 2002, 277 (31): 27689-27696 (Impact factor for 2002: 6.696).被引用次数: 79
  12. Zhao GH, Bou-Abdallah F, Yang XK, Arosio P, Chasteen ND, Is Hydrogen Peroxide Produced during Iron(II) Oxidation in Mammalian Apoferritins? Biochemistry, 2001, 40(36), 10832-10838 (Impact factor for 2001: 4.114).