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学习工作经历2016.5-至今,中国农业大学食品学院,引进优秀人才,副教授,2014.6-2016.5,爱尔兰农业部Teagasc食品研究中心,博士后,2010.9-2014.5,爱尔兰科克大学(University College Cork),食品科学与技术专业,博士,2008.7-2010.9,北京汇源食品饮料有限公司,2006.9-2008.6,中国农业大学食品学院,农产品加工与贮藏专业,硕士,2002.9-2006.6,中国农业大学食品学院,食品科学与工程专业,本科。
1. 食品物性与食品功能
2. 食品功能因子稳态化与传递体系设计
3. 食品物理化学/食品胶体
4. 食品添加剂
5. 乳品加工技术
1. Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Biliaderis, C.G.; Miao, S. Food emulsions as delivery systems for flavour compounds – A review.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2015, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2015.1098586 (in press).
2. Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Miao, S. Effect of maltodextrins on the stability and volatile release behavior of oil-in-water emulsions subjected to freeze-thaw treatment.Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 50, 219-227.
3. Mao, L.; Boiteux, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Miao, S. Evaluation of volatile characteristics in whey protein isolate-pectin mixed layer emulsions under different environmental conditions.Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 41, 79-85.
4. Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Miao, S. Study on the rheological properties and volatile release of cold-set emulsion filled protein gels.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 11420-11428.
5. Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; O’Callaghan, D.J.; Miao, S. Volatile release from whey protein isolate-pectin multilayer stabilized emulsions: effect of pH, salt, and artificial salivas.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 6231-6239.
6. Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Miao, S. Volatile release from self-assembly structured emulsions: effect of monoglyceride content, oil content, and oil type.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 1427-1434.
7. Mao, L.; Miao, S. Structuring food emulsions to improve nutrient delivery during digestion.Food Engineering Reviews, 2015, 7, 439-451.
8. Mao, L.; Calligaris, S.; Barba, L.; Miao, S. Monoglyceride self-assembled structure in O/W emulsion: formation, characterization and its effect on emulsion properties.Food Research International, 2014, 58, 81-88.
9. Mao, L.; O’Kennedy, B.T.; Roos, Y.H.; Hannon, J.A.; Miao, S. Effect of monoglyceride self-assembled structure on emulsion properties and subsequent flavor release.Food Research International, 2012, 48, 233-240.
10.Mao, L.; Roos, Y.H.; Miao, S. Flavour release from monoglyceride structured oil-in-water emulsions through static headspace analysis.Food Biophysics, 2014, 9, 359-367.
11.Mao, L.; Yang, J.; Xu, D.; Yuan, F.; Gao, Y. Effect of homogenization models and emulsifiers on the physicochemical properties ofb-carotene nanoemulsions.Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 31, 986-993.
12. Mao, L.; Xu, D.; Yang, J.; Yuan, F.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, J. Effects of small and large molecule emulsifiers on the characteristics ofb-carotene nanoemulsions prepared by high pressure homogenization.Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2009, 47, 336-342.
13. Wang, W.; Sun, C.;Mao, L.; Ma, P.; Liu, F.; Yang, J.; Gao, Y. The biological activities, chemical stability, metabolism and delivery systems of quercetin: A review.Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2016, 56, 21-38.
14. Yuan, Y.; Gao, Y.;Mao, L.; Zhao, J. Optimization of conditions for the preparation ofb-carotene nanoemulsions using response surface methodology.Food Chemistry, 2008, 107, 1300-1306.
15.Yuan, Y.; Gao., Y.; Zhao, J.;Mao, L.Characterization and stability evaluation ofb-carotene nanoemulsions prepared by high pressure homogenization under various emulsifying conditions.Food Research International, 2008, 41, 61-68.
17. 毛立科;杨佳;许朵霞;高彦祥。不同乳化剂制备b-胡萝卜素纳米乳液研究。食品工业科技,2008,29(4),64-67。
18. 毛立科;高彦祥。番茄红素稳定性研究综述。中国食品添加剂,2008,87(2),57-60。
19. 毛立科;高彦祥。高压均质技术与食品乳状液。食品与机械,2007,23(5),146-149。
20. 袁媛;毛立科;高彦祥。Tween系列乳化剂对b-胡萝卜素纳米乳液粒径及稳定性的影响。食品科学,2008,29(5),181-186。