


  • 转基因产品食用安全评价与检测

  • 食品安全风险评估技术与检测技术

  • 食品生物技术


  1. 国家“863”项目“复合性状转基因农产品精准检测技术与标准分子构建技术研究”。

  2. 农业部“948”项目“国际农业转基因生物安全评价、检测技术体系与标准化体系的引进与建立”(首席专家)。

  3. 农业部“948”项目“外源基因删除技术的引进及其在我国转基因植物研发中的应用” (课题主持人)。

  4. 国家标准制定项目“转基因生物及其产品食用安全检测 微生物生产蛋白与转基因生物产生蛋白的实质等同分析方法” (课题主持人)。

  5. 国家标准制定项目“转基因生物及其产品食用安全检测 外源基因产物生物信息学过敏分析方法” (课题主持人)。

  6. 国家标准制定项目“转基因生物及其产品食用安全检测 大小鼠过敏动物模型评价方法” (课题主持人)。



  1. A novel common primer multiplex PCR (CP-M-PCR) method for the simultaneous detection of meat species.《Food Control》

  2. A papaya-specific gene, papain, used as an endogenous reference gene in qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of transgenic papayas.《European Food Research and Technology》

  3. Physiological and biochemical responses of grapefruit seed extract dip on 'Redglobe' grape.《LWT-Food Science and Technology》

  4. A novel common single primer multiplex PCR (CSP-M-PCR) method for the identification of ruminant species in the minced meat.《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》

  5. Application of stepwise ammonium sulfate precipitation as cleanup tool for an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay of glyphosate oxidoreductase in genetically modified rape of GT73.《Journal of Food Biochemistry》

  6. Development and Application of Immunoaffinity Column as Cleanup Tool for an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase Detection in Genetically modified Maize and Rape.《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》

  7. A cotton-specific gene, stearoyl-ACP desaturase, used as a reference for qualitative and real-time quantitative PCR detection of GMO.《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》